Row over Muslim-only swim sessions
Row over Muslim-only swim sessions
The rules of the club say non-Muslims may swim during the sessions, but only if they follow the strict dress code.

London: A row has sparked off over special Muslim-only swimming sessions at a popular public pool in Croydon during which bathers are required to be covered from head to toe with their swimming costume.

Non-Muslims may swim during the sessions, but only if they follow the strict dress code.

Women are banned from attending but have their own special swimming sessions outside opening hours.

The angry club members have vowed to hand over their memberships back to Thornley Heath leisure centre, according to Daily Mail newspaper.

"To make a special provision for them (Muslims) is just ridiculous and strikes me as imposing a 'Us and them' mentality which is wrong," a member, Alex Craig said.

The centre is extremely popular locally as it is the only swimming pool offering cheap sessions for miles around.

"I turned up and saw a sign saying it was closing early for Muslim afternoon - I couldn't believe it," said Daniel Foley.

"Muslims are not allowed to show intimate parts of their body. This is non-negotiable. Muslims have as much right to go swimming as anyone else," a spokesman for the leisure centre said.

A local mosque has however defended the introduction of Muslim-only swimming sessions at the pool.

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