Some people choose smaller meals when offered
Some people choose smaller meals when offered
Offering downsized meal portions at cafeterias may help people cut down calories.

New York: Offering downsized meal portions in addition to normal ones at cafeterias may help some people cut their calorie intake, Dutch researchers say.They say the smaller portions could work in other settings, too, and might help curb obesity, although it's too soon to know if people compensate by eating more the rest of the day.The report, published the International Journal of Obesity, is the first to look at how people's eating behaviors change if smaller meals are made easily available - both with and without a corresponding price cut.

For the study, researchers from VU University Amsterdam enlisted the help of 25 worksite cafeterias across The Netherlands. Each was randomly placed in one of three groups. Group one offered a hot meal two-thirds the regular size at two-thirds of the price, in addition to the existing choices.Group two also had smaller portions but with 'value pricing' so that the cost went down as portion size went up. Group three acted as a control and offered only regular-sized meals. During the 4 weeks of the study more than 300 customers answered weekly questionnaires, and the sales at the cafeteria were compared.

Overall, about 10 percent of the hot meals sold were smaller-portion meals. Men were least likely to choose the smaller portions, as were customers with more education. Surprisingly, pricing did not appear to play a role in customer decisions. Of course, the benefits of smaller portion sizes could be lost if customers made up the calories elsewhere, so the researchers looked at 'compensatory' eating such as choosing more fried foods at mealtime, snacking or eating larger meals at home.

In line with previous research, the questionnaire answers suggested those who chose smaller portions might have eaten more elsewhere, leading the researchers to call for more research on snacking or eating larger meals at home - particularly among those who are overweight or obese.Study researcher Willemijn Vermeer told Reuters Health in an e-mail that the number of small meals sold seemed 'reasonable' and suggests that downsizing portions can have "positive consequences for public health."

Portion sizes have been on the rise in the US and Europe for decades, the researchers point out. And studies show that 'supersising" increases food intake and obesity risk.More than a quarter of American adults are obese, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with a corresponding increase in their risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and early death.

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