Viagra benefits diabetic women
Viagra benefits diabetic women
Viagra use was associated with significantly improved arousal, orgasm and enjoyment among diabetic women.

New York: Young women with diabetes with sexual dysfunction may find that Viagra improves arousal, orgasm and sexual enjoyment and decreases pain during intercourse, results of a small study suggest.

Diabetic women may experience sexual dysfunction due to vaginal dryness, discomfort, and other factors, Dr Salvatore Caruso and associates, from the University of Catania in Italy, note in their paper, published in the medical journal, Fertility and Sterility.

Some of Viagra's physiologic effects which are beneficial in men, may also be helpful for women, they hypothesised.

To test their theory, they recruited 32 women with type 1 diabetes who in the past had experienced normal sexual desire, but currently experienced sexual dysfunction, for 3.5 years on average.

The subjects were randomly assigned to Viagra or inactive "placebo" and then the opposite treatment for 8 weeks at a time.

The women were instructed to take the medication 1 hour before sexual intercourse.

Viagra use was associated with significantly improved arousal, orgasm, and enjoyment. Only desire and frequency did not change significantly.

A special ultrasound test was used to measure blood flow in the clitoris. Viagra, but not placebo, was associated with improved blood flow.

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