Kim Woo Bin Publically Supporting Girlfriend Shin Min Ah Is The Sweetest Thing Ever
Kim Woo Bin Publically Supporting Girlfriend Shin Min Ah Is The Sweetest Thing Ever
Kim Woo Bin showed his support for Shin Min Ah's new drama by sending a coffee truck to the filming set. He not only cheered on the staff and actors but also gave a special shoutout to his girlfriend.

Kim Woo Bin and Shin Min Ah, the beloved Korean actor couple, have been together since 2015, and their relationship remains as sweet as ever, even after 9 years. Recently, Kim Woo Bin showed his support for Shin Min Ah’s new drama by sending a coffee truck to the filming set. He not only cheered on the staff and actors but also gave a special shoutout to his girlfriend, expressing his unwavering support and love.

In a heartwarming gesture, Kim Woo Bin sent a coffee truck to the set of Shin Min Ah’s drama, Karma, to show his support.

The truck he sent, also had a banner that read, “To all the staff and actors of Karma, find strength! I’m cheering you on to the brim (I’m especially cheering Shin Min Ah on soooo much!),” reports Koreaboo.

Earlier, actress Shin Min Ah had made this lovely gesture by sending a coffee truck to the set of Kim Woo Bin’s movie, while he was filming for Officer Black Belt. Her truck featured a banner that playfully referenced his character’s name, Lee Jung Do, which in Korean also means “class” or “level.” The banner read, “This is Kim Woo Bin’s class.” This playful and supportive gesture showcased Shin Min Ah’s affectionate nature towards her boyfriend and his work.

Both Kim Woo Bin and Shin Min Ah are set to show their talents in upcoming projects. Shin Min Ah’s new drama, Karma, is scheduled to be aired on Netflix in 2024, where she portrays a doctor who encounters the man responsible for her trauma. On the other hand, Kim Woo Bin’s movie, Officer Black Belt, is also set to air in 2024, where he plays a skilled martial arts fighter who takes on the role of an officer.

Kim Woo Bin and Shin Min Ah’s relationship is a testament to their love and support for each other. Despite their busy schedules, they always find ways to show their affection and cheer each other on. Their relationship serves as an inspiration for many, and they continue to be a beloved celebrity couple that fans admire.

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