In the modern era of exploring various components associated with staying fit, an increasing number of people are turning towards a sattvic diet, as is mentioned in ancient Hindu texts. A sattvic lifestyle is rooted in the principles of Sattva, one of the three Gunas (qualities) according to Hindu philosophy. Apart from meditation and yoga, a sattvic lifestyle includes consuming sattvic foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products. But how is a sattvic diet different from any normal diet? Let us delve deeper into the question.
The sattvic diet has its origins in ancient Indian philosophy, particularly Ayurveda and yoga. It is mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita that Lord Krishna explained to Arjuna the importance of a sattvic diet. It emphasises the importance of balance and moderation in many walks of life. It is said that if one observes moderation in food, recreation, work and sleep, one will find inner peace and contentment. A sattvic diet is believed to enhance these qualities in one’s body and mind, leading to mental clarity, peace and spiritual growth.
Typically, a sattvic diet comprises clean, light, nutrient-rich foods that are easily digestible, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and dairy products. However, there’s a misconception that any vegetarian diet is synonymous with a sattvic diet. While many vegetarian diets align with sattvic principles, merely abstaining from meat doesn’t automatically classify a diet as sattvic.
In sattvic cooking, foods are prepared with minimal processing and cooked at moderate temperatures to maintain their natural properties. However, it’s important to note that vegetarian cuisine encompasses a wide range of foods, some of which may be fried, use excessive oil, or be overcooked. While these cooking methods may not align perfectly with sattvic principles, they don’t necessarily exclude a dish from being classified as vegetarian.
A sattvic diet is a balanced diet of all the nutrients required for our health and vitality. Sattvic foods are known to nourish the mind, fostering clear thinking, peace of mind, and deep focus. They offer sustained energy levels and help prevent fluctuations in blood sugar that may impact cognitive function. Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fibre, sattvic foods promote overall health and immunity while guarding against chronic diseases. Meat, fish, alcohol, alkaline and acidic foods are excluded from the sattvic diet.
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