The Bar Council of India is set to hold the eighteenth edition of the All India Bar Examination 18 (AIBE) on October 29. As per the provided schedule, candidates can access their admit cards between October 20 and 25. To obtain the admit card, visit the official exam website, allindiabarexamination.com, or refer to the BCI website, barcouncilofindia.org, for the latest updates.
The application window for the exam was closed on October 9. To successfully pass the AIBE 18, candidates from the OBC or open category must achieve a minimum score of 45 per cent. For SC, ST, and specially-abled candidates, the passing score is set at 40 per cent. Individuals who pass AIBE 18 will be awarded a Certificate of Practice (COP) by the BCI, a crucial document for practising law in India.
AIBE 18 Admit Card 2023: How to Download
Step 1: Navigate to the official website by visiting allindiabarexamination.com.
Step 2: On the homepage search for the ‘AIBE XVII Admit Card 2023’ link and tap on it.
Step 3: Key in your login credentials as required for accessing the admit card.
Step 4: The admit card will appear on the screen after you have entered your credentials.
Step 5: Before you start the download, carefully review all the information on the admit card.
Step 6: For exam purposes and as a backup, it is suggested to maintain several hard copies of the admit card on hand.
AIBE 18 2023: Details on Admit Card
Once you’ve downloaded the admit card, make sure to carefully review it for any errors or inaccuracies. If candidates find any discrepancies, promptly inform the examination authorities so they can make the necessary corrections. Be sure to check for the following information:
–– Full Name
–– Roll Number
–– Photograph and Signature
–– Reserved Category
–– Date and Timings of exam
–– Exam Venue
–– Exam Hall Guidelines
On the exam day, candidates need to make sure they bring a government-issued photo ID card, such as a Voter ID card, Passport, Driver’s License, or Aadhaar Card. Furthermore, they should have their Advocate enrolment ID from the State Bar Council with them.
AIBE 18 is the 18th edition of the All India Bar Examination (AIBE), and it’s a necessary test for law graduates who want to become practising lawyers in India. The Bar Council of India (BCI) administers this exam to evaluate candidates’ understanding and abilities in the fundamental aspects of law and legal practice.
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