Ahead of Kerala Assembly polls, RSS seems to be tightening its grip over state BJP
Ahead of Kerala Assembly polls, RSS seems to be tightening its grip over state BJP
State RSS leaders believe that that political climate in Kerala is against the interest of Hindus and a political change is necessary.

Thiruvananthapuram: Ahead of the 2016 Assembly elections in Kerala, the Rashtriya Swayamseval Sangh is believed to be tightening its grip over the state Bharatiya Janata Party. The BJP has appointed Kummanam Rajashekaran, a staunch RSS man as its new state president.

While the RSS cadres have started ground work, political analysts claim that it is part of a national agenda to gain political space in the state and their trump card is Hindu unification.

J Prabhash, a political analyst, says, "Definitely it is right to believe that RSS is tightening its control over state unit of BJP. Already Kummanam who was a staunch RSS man has been appointed as the chief of the BJP here. Kerala is against the last place keeping away from BJP. Therefore they are considering it as a prestigious issue to make inroads in Kerala and open their account."

Not taking RSS seriously in the upcoming elections, the main political opponent CPM says that RSS upper hand in BJP will alienate people further from the party as Keralites will not buy the communal politics.

CPM MLA Thomas Issac said, "RSS is virtually taken over BJP leadership. This is essentially reflection of RSS impatience that BJP is not making headway in state. High tempered communal campaign, which they think polarise the state and make things easier to them. A party or movement which says you can be a good human being only if you are a Hindu will not gather support."

State RSS leaders believe that that political climate in Kerala is against the interest of Hindus and a political change is necessary. Their cadres will be working towards that goal.

Backing RSS, BJP state president Kummanam Rajashekaran said, "RSS does not want to have any control over the BJP because all people belong to RSS. I am also an RSS person, it is the duty of the RSS people, workers to strengthen the BJP. It is their duty . In Kerala, there is s mass upsurge against LDF and UDF. To represent this upsurge it is the duty of the RSS to give more strength to it. "

With an aim of a political change RSS cadres are systematically working on the ground much ahead of 2016 Kerala Assembly elections. Whether the BJP will be able to make an electoral victory or not, this election will be a tough triangular battle as the BJP and RSS is fighting it out with all their might.

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