Anna's detention not surprising: Advani
Anna's detention not surprising: Advani
Advani said the NDA leaders will meet shortly to decide their strategy in Parliament on this issue.

New Delhi: Senior BJP leader LK Advani on Tuesday said he was not surprised at the detention of Anna Hazare and charged the government with looking for scapegoats and stopping peaceful protests instead of fighting corruption.

"I am not surprised at this development. This is the direction in which this government is moving. Instead of dealing with the problem of corruption and owning responsibility it is trying to find scapegoats and stopping peaceful protests," Advani told PTI.

He was replying to a question on the detention of Anna, who was going on an indefinite fast in protest against a 'weak' Lokpal bill.

Asked about the government's stand that since the Lokpal has already been introduced in Parliament, Anna should present his views to the Standing Committee, Advani said, "This is not the issue. Why should the government stop a peaceful protest."

On the corruption charges levelled against Anna by Congress, Advani said, "I don't want to say anything as I don't know all the facts. But he (Anna) has already answered this."

Advani said the NDA leaders will meet shortly to decide their strategy in Parliament on this issue. Sources said the NDA is likely to raise a storm in Parliament over Anna's detention.

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