The demand was made by Shiv Sena leader Bharatkumar Raut in his Special Mention in the Rajya Sabha.
New Delhi: A Shiv Sena member on Thursday demanded in the Rajya Sabha for the release of a postal stamp in memory of late Bal Thackeray on his birthday on January 23.
"I, on behalf of all the people of Maharashtra as also the Shiv Sena, request the government that a commemorative postal stamp may be released in the memory of Balasaheb Thackeray on his birthday, January 23. It will be a befitting tribute to this great leader," Shiv Sena leader Bharatkumar Raut said in his Special Mention in the Rajya Sabha.
Raut also thanked the Rajya Sabha Chairman and the House on behalf of his party MPs for the tributes paid in the Upper House on Thackeray's death.
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