Human beings have a lot of innate characteristics that have been a part of their ancestors. Today’s humans have originated from Homo Sapiens. They were considered to be wise and knowledgeable. Even though it has been thousands of years since human beings evolved from their ancestors, there are still some qualities and characteristics that have continued to be part of their DNA. Recently, there has been research conducted that has proved that if someone has certain traits in them, then it might indicate that they belong to a unique species of humans. According to reports, Sebnem Unluisler – who is a scientist and genetic engineer at the London Regenerative Institute – revealed that around two percent of humans’ DNA comes from Neanderthal humans.
Neanderthal was a highly similar species to humans that lived in Africa about 2,50,000 years ago, even before the Homo Sapiens. It has been reported that their DNA is still strong and has been passed on to other humans. It is believed that modern humans spread out of Africa into Asia about 60,000 years ago and then carried Neanderthal DNA around the world. Let’s look at some traits that prove that someone belongs to the group of Neanderthals:
Smoking: It has been reported that one specific part of Neanderthal DNA increases the person’s risk of nicotine. This means that if someone has a habit of smoking, then it is very much possible that they belong to the group of Neanderthals.
Having Thick, Straight Hair: If someone has thick, straight hair, then there is a high possibility that their ancestors would also be Neanderthals. The ancestors of red-haired people were also these primitive humans.
An Early Riser: If someone has the habit of waking up early in the morning, they may also belong to the group of Neanderthals. According to research, 16 variants associated with early rise in modern humans have been found in the genomes of a 120,000-year-old Neanderthal and a 52,000-year-old Neanderthal. The Neanderthals formed this habit because they wanted their days to be longer and they wanted to do more activities.
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