buzzIt’s common for many to turn to dating apps in search of love, companionship or friendship. However, the recent dating app conversation with a match for X user Sumedha Uppal took an intriguing turn. In a unique experience shared recently, Sumedha found herself approached for a job opportunity by her match on the popular dating platform, Hinge. Initially connecting for romantic reasons, Sumedha was taken aback when the conversation turned away from typical topics about shared interests. Instead, her match boldly requested a job referral. Some users found the incident amusing, while others shared their concerns about the challenging job market, claiming that individuals are now using dating apps for employment purposes.
While the boundaries between personal and professional life took an unexpected twist for Sumedha, her post attracted remarkable attention as it crossed over 2.5 lakh views, as soon as she shared the post on X. Sharing the post, she wrote, “A boy reached out on Hinge to ask for a referral and I’m just wondering if it is the job market that is bad or it is the dating market that is worse.”
A boy reached out on Hinge to ask for a referral and I’m just wondering if it is the job market that is bad or it is the dating market that is worse.— Sumedha Uppal (@SumedhaUppal) January 4, 2024
While some couldn’t resist poking fun at the hilarious scenario, others shared their own encounters, by sharing similar experiences of job inquiries on dating apps.
A user implied that the dating scenes in India are different or unconventional due to such incidents.
Lmfao.. the dating scene in India truly sounds on another level.. I thought states was bad.— Gutter Chef (@surajchopra) January 4, 2024
Another person remembered an incident when their match asked for help with a deep learning project.
Both the markets are same i guess, there was this girl in Delhi who sent me her deep learning project to solve on bumble. I gave her steps to follow but she needed the whole code.— Akash Singh (@Aki__Singh) January 4, 2024
An individual narrated an experience when someone on a dating app asked for a job referral on their last day at work. The commenter humourously wondered if they should ask the person out for a date or interview them.
Lol, few days back I matched with a girl on bumble turns out it was her last day at work and now she is asking for referral.Not sure if i should ask out or interview her.
— Sachin Giri (@whack_creature) January 4, 2024
Another spoke about the time when their Bumble match asked for a job upon learning about the person’s workplace, specifically inquiring about a marketing role.
Oh thank god, glad I’m not alone!Matched with a girl on Bumble and a couple of days into chatting, she learns about the org I work at, and asked if I could refer her for a marketing role — S(h)ivaprakash (@Sivaprakash_97) January 4, 2024
One more wrote, “Both markets are bad.”
Both markets are bad — Harshit Jain (@jain_harshit) January 4, 2024
Previously, another user shared a similar experience with a screenshot of their conversation on Bumble. In this incident, a user named Adnaan was having a conversation with a woman who identified herself as working in HR at a startup. Without hesitation, Adnaan mentioned that he was doing a master’s degree in electrical and computer engineering and directly inquired if she could offer him a job at the startup. Surprisingly, the woman didn’t seem surprised by his straightforward approach and responded by inquiring about the specific job roles he was seeking and whether he was graduating that year. While sharing the conversation, Adnaan wrote, “You use LinkedIn for jobs, I use Bumble, we’re not the same bro.”
you use LinkedIn for jobs I use Bumble we’re not the same bro pic.twitter.com/JJUbW6AFwb— Adnaan (@theadnaankhan) January 22, 2023
Since the user shared the post, it has gone viral and garnered over 7 lakh views.
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