Pet Cat Returns Home 8 Weeks After Getting Trapped In Sewer
Pet Cat Returns Home 8 Weeks After Getting Trapped In Sewer
The cat was wearing a collar, which confirmed its identity after the rescue from the sewer.

An adventurous cat that went missing in July this year was miraculously found safe and sound after an eight-week ordeal. The sneaky feline went missing from the home of Clifton Nesseth and Ashley Comstock in the US state of Minnesota and was trapped in a sewer on July 18. The family had adopted the cat after finding it while on vacation in Rice Lake, Wisconsin, reported The Associated Press.

The family named the cat Drifter after its independent personality.

The paw parents presumed that the 3-year-old tabby went to check out the construction underway in their neighbourhood after which it was not to be found. Weeks later, the family, including their 12-year-old daughter, April Dressel hung up posters and searched across the city for the missing feline.

But just when they gave up and were beginning to plan a small memorial service for Drifter, the neighbouring kids came over and said they heard a cat’s meowing coming from a storm drain at the construction site.

The family, without wasting a minute, rushed to the spot and started digging through the dirt and cutting through the landscape fabric.

After a delicate digging, the owners heard meowing. Later, they saw the cat’s head pop out of the torn fabric.

According to the news agency, Clifton Nesseth said, “A little paw shot out of a tear in the fabric. It was a tabby cat paw. We tore the fabric more, and then his head popped through.”

Drifter was wearing a collar, which confirmed its identity. The family guessed that their cat got trapped exploring a hole that sealed up, with the animal inside. They also said that he had been living underground, eating and drinking whatever he could find, perhaps mice and sewer water.

Elaborating further, Clifton said that when their daughter April went for a morning walk and called out for Drifter, they think the cat heard her through the sewer pipes and went to a spot where he could be heard and found.

The owners explained that the feline had gone really skinny following the incident. When the cat went missing, it weighed 15 pounds (6.8 kilograms) which has come down to 6.5 pounds (2.9 kilograms).

After the reunion with the owners, Drifter spent the night cuddling with April on her bed. The media agency also reported that the cat is putting weight back on now, and his vet is expecting a full recovery.

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