Have you ever heard about a dead person experiencing an afterlife? Something similar happened recently. A man was declared dead by the doctors; but he came back to life. The man explained how he was dead and after that how he had a unique experience in the other world that hardly anyone would believe. He claimed that a spiritual guide showed him both his good and bad deeds and ultimately brought him back to his real life. The name of the man is Vincent Tolman from the US, who had experienced this strange thing in his life. From this experience, he understood the meaning of life and learned that the earth was only a school and never a court. In an unusual experience, the man revealed how he experienced his afterlife the moment he was declared dead by the doctors. Vincent claimed that his spiritual guide, who called himself Drake, explained to him through telepathy how the universe works.
In a podcast, Vincent stated that he ordered a bodybuilding supplement from abroad; but the supplement was probably something different and the moment Vincent consumed it, he started to feel strange. He added that he was feeling dizzy and fainted and started suffocating. When the doctors arrived, Vincent said that they tried to revive him but were unsuccessful and then put him in a body- bag and took him to the hospital.
For Vincent, it was like a movie-like experience. He was officially dead for forty-five minutes. He spent the next three days in coma, while his distressed family hurried to be by his side, likely upon hearing his critical condition in the hospital. But the actual experience he had was with a spiritual guide, who took him to another word.
During his afterlife experience in the other world, Vincent saw all his bad deeds and suddenly a bright light flashed. When he tried to see where this heat was coming, he started seeing his good deeds. His guide talked to him and eventually decided to send the man back to his life.
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