Best Funny Gamertags
Make your gamer friends laugh with a hilarious gamertag. A great part of online multiplayer games is getting to see all the funny gamertags people come up with. If you’re struggling to come up with a good username, try referencing your favorite meme or choosing something sarcastic, like acknowledging you can’t come up with a good name. Here are some examples: CerealKiller shaquille.oatmeal OP_rah fedora_the_explorer username_copied AllGoodNamesRGone Something test_name_please_ignore kentuckycriedfricken PaniniHead MomsSpaghetti NoThisIsPatrick heresWonderwall LOWERCASE GUY Couldnt_Find_Good_Name in_jail_out_soon kiss-my-axe cheeseinabag namenotimportant Gordon Ramsay
Funny Gamertags for Girls
Choose a name that’s feminine and fun if you’re a girl. Some female gamers prefer to blend in, while others are more than happy to let their fellow gamers know they were killed by a girl. Feel free to choose a name that’s more feminine while still having fun and being silly. Here are some examples: SassySniper SweetShot TemptressofTech MemeQueen Noobslayer ButtonBae regina_phalange CrazyCatLady applebottomjeans personallyvictimizedbyreginageorge Avocadorable hotgirlbummer manic_pixie_meme_girl whats_ur_sign Llama del Rey Just a Harmless Potato Ariana Grande’s Ponytail BadKarma DoratheDestroya KungFuBarbie
Funny Gamertags for Guys
Don’t be afraid to be a little immature with your gamertag. While this isn’t the case for everyone, many gamers lean toward gamertags that are a bit immature, like using gross-out or dark humor. Expect to find a lot of “your mom” jokes as well. Don’t take yourself too seriously! If you want to get in on the fun, here are some examples: hoosier-daddy HairyPoppins YellowSnowman Joe Not Exotic oprahwindfury Chris_P_Bacon CourtesyFlush CountSwagula URMom Cheezus Crust SloppyJoe Death By Dorito You Were a Mistake NotFunnyAtAll HotNameHere DefinitelyNotChrisHemsworth DirtBag BigfootIsReal AlphaMale KingofDairyQueen
Funny Gamertags for Xbox
Pick a unique gamertag to use on Xbox. Xbox users are constantly on the lookout for hilarious new gamertags. When choosing an Xbox gamertag, think about your favorite video game or character. Or, pick something random that you think others will laugh at if they see your name on the screen. If you want to troll, reference PlayStation to get your fellow gamers riled up. Here are some examples: PlayStationLover TellUrMom2CallMe Chuck Norris GetOutOfMyWay ScratchnSniff GamerTagsRUs CoolStoryBro BehindYou PewPewYaDead TickleMeElmo CoolShirtBra HappyKilling HappyPurgeDay NotJamesBond IBoopUrNose ChillDude Waiting2HuntU SmartPotato LactoseTheIntolerant 101WaysToMeetYourMaker
Funny Gamertags for PlayStation
Pick a funny gamertag that works well for all your favorite games. If you have a PlayStation Network account, consider choosing a more general gamertag that makes sense for any game you play rather than a name that’s directly related to a certain game. Or, troll your friends with a gamertag that’s related to Xbox. Here are some examples: XboxisBetter YouTriedIt Nasty Nate ADuckOnQuack the delivery boy NoticeMeSenpai Don’tKnowHow2Play ReadyPlayerNone NetflixandKill DontKillMe Xboxlogout Will_Rage_Quit DualShockDoc PlzAddMe TrophyHunter FreeHugz BudLightyear UnfriendMe MagicSchoolBusDropOut SaintBroseph
Funny Gamertags for Computer Games
Pick a name that shows off your banter skills. One of the best parts of online multiplayer games is getting to trash talk your friends. If you love trolling and memes, let everyone know what to expect by referencing them in your gamertag. Or, go for something more sarcastic or random. Here are some examples: iNeed2p TheAverageForumUser OmnipotentBeing bill_nye_the_russian_spy InternetIntrovert IHazQuestion AmTrash SorryIKilledYou TrollerGoals TooOldForThis ProbablyCheating HangingWithMyGnomies A Distraction DonWorryItsGonBOK DrFeelGood ChickenPermission MemeMaestro BuildaBanter i_can_see_your_pixels sendc0ins
Funny Gamertags for Call of Duty
Show off your shooting skills with a Call of Duty gamertag. Call of Duty is a popular first-person shooter franchise with online multiplayer capability. If you’re proud of your COD skills, make a pun based on terms or weapons from the game, like headshots, glocks, and grenades. Or, pick something silly and random that will surprise other players when you eliminate them. Here are some examples: YouMadBro Headshots4Free GlockLesnar YourGrandpa Lag_Lord SausageSniper SpamHammer Pr0_Gamer_420 NoobSlayer69 Grenade_Launcher_Larry Warzonemafia Tomatoannihilator Potatogang BrunoWars McCuddles joemama aimisnotthegame Silent But Deadly Friendly Fire Fred Pew Pew Dude
Funny Gamertags for Fortnite
Don’t take yourself too seriously when playing Fortnite. Fortnite is a multiplayer battle royale game, popular with gamers of all ages. When choosing your name, consider making a Fortnight-related pun or referencing different aspects of the game, like looting, dancing, or hiding in bushes. Here are some examples: RebootRicky LootGoblinLarry Bros Before Foes Rage Quit Royalty NastyNoobs ScaredShotless SunsOutGunsOut DropzoneDynamo NoobMaster69 IHideinBushes ShootyMcFace LlamaDrama JustNotFortnite FallDamageFred DefaultyBoi RunningOutofMats WhoStoleMyLoot JustHere2Dance MissedMyShot StuckInATree
Funny Gamertags for Dead by Daylight
Reference your favorite killer in Dead by Daylight. Dead by Daylight is a survival horror game that features popular horror villains from different movies and video games, like Ghostface from Scream and the Demogorgon from Stranger Things. Many players use their gamertag to reference memes about their favorite characters, while others reference different aspects of gameplay. Here are some examples: JillSandwich AlbertWhiskers Ethan’s Hand Wazzaaaap (if you’re playing as Ghostface) Clint Eastwood (if you’re playing as the Deathslinger) Graffiti Girl (if you’re playing as the Hag) Freddy’s Worst Nightmare If Lost Return to Jake Nurse Simp The Real Killer Left 4 Hooked Locker Man Dorito Man (if you’re playing as the Executioner) Miss Piggy (if you’re playing as the Pig) I Lick Totems It’s my first game :D When the Killer is Sus Hit the Others Go easy, I’m bad Gens Before Friends
Cool Gamertags
Impress your friends with a cool gamertag. If you’re not a fan of body humor or innuendos, it can sometimes be difficult to find a good gamertag online. However, there are still plenty of unique options to choose from. Go for something that’s cool and funny, or simply choose a name you like the sound of. Here are some examples: QuantamLeap BladeRunner ShadowPhantom FrostByte NeonFlash IWasReloading Brostradamus EatBullets Molotov SimplyTheBest BestServedCold AngelofDeath Guillotine ManicLaughter DontReviveMe MortalityReturns AcidQueen VictoryLovesMe MothToTheFlame WickedImpulse
Tough Gamertags
Choose an edgy gamertag if you’re a hardcore gamer. If you want to show your friends that you’re not the one to be messed with, go for a more serious gamertag. These tend to reference violence more than funny gamertags, so make sure whatever you choose is allowed on your preferred platform. Many of these names also work ironically, so they can be funny, too—especially if you know you’re bad at a certain game. Here are some examples: BlackStabbath SeekNDestroy FightClubAlum LaidtoRest Disembowel Unbreakabull Eviscerated GhostFaceGangsta RipYourHeartOut BloodDrainer DeathMachine ThirdDegreeBurn URMyPrey ShowMeURGuts SweetPoison DownInSmoke KillSwitch BloodFire BloodBoiler im_watching_you
Random Gamertags
Choose a silly gamertag to throw people off. Sometimes, the funniest gamertags are the ones that are completely off the wall and have nothing to do with the game at hand. Pick a username based on your favorite meme, food, or pop culture figure. The more random, the better. Here are some examples: friedchocolate Shrek2onDVD OnlyJudyCanJudge SuperWalmart StudentLoans Vote4Beyonce ChefBoyardee IDrinkChocolateMilk SewerSquirrel ManEatsPants DiscoThunder InternetDad Area52 Stranger_Danger LackingToesAndTolerance DevilsAdvocate StaceysMom CrunchwrapSupreme Jim_Doesnt_Carrey Gravy
Witty Gamertags
Make a video game-related pun. Most people appreciate a good pun (or at least roll their eyes). Show your gamer friends how quick-witted you are by making a video game-related pun. Consider including other pop culture references, as well, like well-known songs, movies, and TV shows. Here are some examples: PunIntended CTRL ALT Defeat Nacho Average Player Witty Comeback The PUNisher Pundamentalist Snaccident Keyboard Warrior ByteMe WhoLetTheLogsOut LootandScoot GottaPunEmAll Error404Humor QueueandCry LagandBrag GameofPwns BreakingLag LordofthePings MissionImpingable KanyeQuest
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