27 Spiritual Signs That Your Ex Wants You Back
27 Spiritual Signs That Your Ex Wants You Back
After a breakup, it’s normal to miss your ex-partner and look for signs they miss you too. But how do you tell the difference between wishful thinking (we’ve all been there) and actual signs from the universe that your ex is coming back? We’ve put together a list of common spiritual signs that your ex is coming back. With the help of dating expert Lisa Shield, we’ve even included tips to help you make the relationship work this time around if you want to get back together.

You see their name everywhere.

Your ex’s name pops up on billboards, in books, or in movies. You may randomly hear their name out in public. While this could be a coincidence, it may also be the universe trying to remind you of your ex and tell you that they’re missing you.

You see angel numbers.

Angel numbers are repeated number patterns. You may notice numbers that connect to your ex, like 1919 if their birthday is on the 19th. You may also see a master angel number like 222, which indicates that something significant is about to impact your relationships (could it be a certain someone’s reappearance?).

Your ex keeps coming up in conversation.

Mutual friends might start mentioning your ex out of the blue. If they don’t normally talk about your ex, this may be a sign that they know something you don’t. This could also indicate that the universe is using your friends to try to bring you back together. If these are trusted friends, it may be worth asking them if they have insight into your ex’s feelings. Tell them that you’re hoping to get back together and ask them if your ex is feeling the same way. However, avoid putting your mutual friends in the middle of your relationship. Ask your friend directly if they’re okay talking to you about your ex.

Your special song is playing everywhere.

This song could have a significant meaning for your and your ex. If your song is playing every time you turn on the radio or enter a coffee shop, the universe may be telling you that your ex misses you and wants to come back into your life. It also may be trying to remind you of all the good times you shared. If you want your ex back, you could use your song as a way back into their life. Take a selfie video of yourself with the song playing in the background. Text them the video with an appropriate message like “Guess the universe wanted me to be thinking of you today” or “Think fast…what pops into your head when you hear this song?”

You feel their energy near you.

You might even feel like your ex is sitting beside you. Your souls may still be closely connected. If you feel their presence and energy in a way that is difficult to explain, it may be a sign that your ex is considering coming back to you.

You feel like you’re being touched.

You might inexplicably feel goosebumps or prickling on your skin. This sensation happening once or twice may be normal, but more than that? It may signify that your ex is longing to touch you again.

You smell their scent.

Your ex may have worn a specific cologne or perfume. Or maybe they loved a certain flower or baked good that you’ve been smelling everywhere. Smelling that scent out of the blue is more than a coincidence: it may be a sign that your ex is spiritually near and on their way back to you.

You feel like they’re watching you.

Maybe your ex is suddenly all over your social media account. They’re the first to view your Instagram stories or you notice their friends and family liking all your posts. This social media stalking is a strong (and concrete!) sign that your ex is missing you and won’t be able to stay away for much longer. This social media behavior may also give you the green light to do the same. Swipe up on their next Instagram story with a funny comment or send them the next TikTok video you see that reminds you of them.

Your ex reaches out when you’re already thinking of them.

You get a text from them just as their name pops into your head. This surreal experience may show the spiritual and telepathic connection you two still have. Maybe they’ve been thinking of you all day and your minds finally connected, giving them the subconscious permission to call.

Your ex says they have some of your stuff.

If your ex suddenly finds some of your things, they want to see you. They could send your things to you or just keep them and avoid the hassle. But if they call to invite you over to their home, that’s a strong indication that you still have a space in their heart (and they needed an excuse to see you).

You run into them in random places.

You keep seeing them, even if you’re avoiding your normal spots. This may be a sign that the universe is trying to push you both back together. Dating coach Lisa Shield explains how some people are just connected and can’t avoid being “pulled apart and then pulled back together…it just happens.”

You still have chemistry.

You still feel an instant and powerful attraction when you see your ex. This chemistry shows your deep bond and indicates that you two may be soulmates or twin flames. Your lasting chemistry can’t just be one-sided, so your ex is likely feeling the same way and trying to come back into your life soon. However, sometimes relationships don’t work despite having a lot of chemistry and love for each other. As dating coach Lisa Shield explains, “If it didn’t work, there were issues and problems in that relationship. Couples get so focused on getting back together…that they don’t know they’re not having a functional relationship.” If you truly want to get back with your ex, Shield advises that you “learn how to interact better, how to listen, how to communicate, [and] how to have boundaries.”

You feel like you’ve known each other forever.

You easily understand each other’s thoughts and feelings. Even if you’ve only known each other for a few months or a year, you feel like you know them as well as your closest friends. This deep soul connection may mean that you two are meant to reconnect and get back together, whether now or later in your lives. Just because you have a soul connection to an ex doesn’t mean you’re compatible or that you were happy together. If you’re ready to move on to a happier and healthier relationship with someone new, that may be something you can manifest. Decide what you want in a healthy relationship: someone who will treat you like an equal, give you space when you need it, will listen to your emotions without judgment, etc. Make a list of what you want in a partner and write it in a manifestation journal. Act like your goal has already been achieved—this will raise your positive energy and make success more likely. This manifestation could bring you a new romantic interest. But if your ex really is your soulmate, this manifestation could bring them back to you!

You feel incomplete.

You feel like you’ve lost a piece of yourself in losing your ex. This extremely painful feeling is common after breakups. While it usually fades with time, it’s worth noting that your ex may be your twin flame—meaning that you’re destined to be in each other’s lives and make each other feel whole. After a breakup, you go from spending most of your time with someone to having no contact with them. Fill that space by spending time with friends and family or trying out a new travel spot or hobby. Don’t be too hard on yourself: forgive yourself for your role in the relationship or how down you may be feeling now. Lean on close friends and share with them how you’re feeling.

You can’t get them out of your head.

You’re constantly dwelling on memories you shared together. Distractions don’t help, and everything around you seems to remind you of them. If you can’t stop thinking about your ex, it may be because your ex is thinking about you too and wanting to be together again. Frequently thinking about someone you’ve had a romantic relationship with is normal. But if those thoughts impact your daily life and well-being, it may be time to take steps to get them off your mind. Spend time on self-care, refocus on school or work, or try relaxation techniques. Invest in other relationships with friends and family, as well as in your relationship with yourself! Explore your own interests or take time to volunteer for a cause you care about.

You think about them before going to sleep.

Thinking of your ex as you drift off is a sign they may be manifesting you. Essentially, this means they’re thinking of you, too (and trying to get you back in their life). And if you’re constantly thinking about them? Well, it seems like their manifestation is working!

You dream about them.

Your ex may be manifesting you if they appear in your dreams. Their spiritual message may have slipped into your subconscious to remind you of them and how much you love them. Or, you may be dreaming of your ex because you miss them. Either way, repeated dreams about your ex most likely show that there are unresolved feelings there. If these dreams are disrupting your sleep and you want to let go of your ex once and for all, try a cord-cutting ritual. Open all windows and doors to let out negativity. Burn sage and spray Florida water throughout the room. Light a black candle and sit comfortably. Focus on the ex you want to release from your life and set an intention for a better romantic future. Bind your feet together with black thread or yarn and say, "This is what blocks me from moving forward on my path." Bind your wrists together and say, "This is what keeps me from receiving all that I have been asking for." Sit and think about the negative experiences you had with your ex, then cut the cords with scissors and say “I release the ties that bind. I claim that which is mine. I move forward in light and freedom. So be it." Spray yourself with more Florida water then burn the thread and bury the ashes away from your home.

You have a sudden urge to see them.

Your ex may be mentally urging you to see or reach out to them. You both may have been thinking about each other and rethinking your breakup. Their psychic energy may cause your out-of-the-blue urges to talk to them. However, feeling sadness and doubt after a split is normal, and wanting to see your ex doesn’t mean you should. Take time to clear your thoughts and ask yourself if you really want to get back with your ex. If you don’t see getting back together as an option, spend time working on yourself and trying to move on from the relationship.

You smile without realizing it.

Did someone ask you what’s so funny, and you couldn’t think of an answer? Do you find a random grin spreading across your face during classes, meetings, or while running errands? Your ex may be longing for you and sending you warm, fuzzy feelings of love and adoration. If thoughts of your ex are making you feel positive and happy, it may be time to take steps to get back together. Reach out and initiate a conversation, while respecting their boundaries and feelings. Try something light and non-committal like, “I have an extra ticket to go see a comedy show on Friday. Any chance you’d want to join?” Demonstrate the personal growth you’ve had since your break-up and apologize as needed. This could sound like, “I’m working on being more open and vulnerable with my feelings. I’m sorry for not letting you in during our relationship, and I’m looking forward to sharing more of my emotions with you.”

You have frequent mood swings.

You’re feeling on top of the world and suddenly feel low, or vice versa. These mood shifts may be a sign that your ex is manifesting you. If they are reaching out to you spiritually, your emotions will be tied together. This means that when they’re feeling low, you will too: hence, the mood swings! If your mood swings are affecting your daily well-being, try focusing on your health. Improving your physical and mental health can have a big impact on your mood. Prioritize cooking yourself healthy meals at home and going for a 30-minute walk every day. Get a good night’s sleep every night by putting away your phone at least one hour before bedtime and waking up at the same time every day.

You can’t stop hiccuping.

Hiccups may come from more than a giggle fest or eating too fast. When you hiccup, your diaphragm is spasming. This spasming could be caused by emotional upheaval. If you are emotionally connected to your ex and they're feeling lonely, you may channel that spiritual connection into hiccups.

Your eye twitches.

Your left eye twitching is a spiritual sign that someone is missing you. It can also mean that you’ll reconnect with someone soon, most likely the ex that’s been on your mind. If your right eye twitches, however, this is thought to mean that someone is thinking about you negatively—but it might not be your ex! If your eye is twitching frequently, you may want to have it checked out by a doctor for eye strain, fatigue, or dry eyes.

You sneeze randomly.

Sneezing may be a sign that someone is missing or talking about you. Of course, you could be sick, have allergies, or accidentally sniff up some dust. But if you keep sneezing without logical explanation, this may be a sign that your ex wants to reconnect. Some people also believe that sneezing three times in a row is an extra sign that someone’s missing you!

Your nose itches.

If your ex is thinking of you, your nose might get unusually itchy. Just like some people believe your ears feeling warm means someone is talking about you, your nose itching is a sign that someone is thinking of you. And that someone may be your ex on their way back to you! An itchy nose combined with dripping may be a severe allergic reaction. In this case, you should consult a doctor and rule out any illness.

You see a pink feather.

Feathers are thought to be spiritually sacred and connected to healing. A pink feather symbolizes love, joy, and a big surprise coming into your romantic life. Maybe you found a pink feather on the ground, tucked in a book, or saw it in a dream. In any case, it may indicate a positive reconciliation coming soon with your ex. If you’re hoping to get an ex back, include a pink feather when performing a candle ritual or making a love potion.

Your pleas for guidance are answered by the universe.

Ask the universe for a sign that your ex is manifesting you. Find a quiet space and close your eyes. Ask for a sign to show that your ex is returning to you. Your sign could be a song, a scent, or a name…stick with whatever first pops into your mind. Finally, say this prayer: “Thank you, universe, for offering me clarity. Show me my sign if I’m moving in the right direction.” Be patient. Don’t dwell on or try to control your signs. If you see your sign show up, you can be fairly sure that your ex will appear soon.

A psychic confirms that your ex is coming back.

Qualified psychics may give more certainty about your ex’s intentions. Many of the spiritual signs of your ex coming back can be chalked up to coincidence. If you know of a trusted psychic, you can visit them to see if these signs are truly connected to your ex. Not only can a psychic tell you if they think your ex is coming back to you, but they also may be able to tell you whether you should get back with your ex.

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