Playing the Lottery
Save up at least $10,000. Before you can start playing the lottery, you'll need some money. Here are some ways to get money: Ask your family for money. You can first do this as a child, and can continue to ask for money through adulthood. Your family may get upset if you repeatedly ask, however. Start doing freelance gigs or a part-time job. You can first get a freelance gig or part-time job when your character is a teenager (though the age may vary depending on what country your character is in). Freelance gigs are the fastest way to get money. Get a full-time job. After graduating high school, you can get a full-time job. The job you get depends on your stats and level of education. Go to the casino or horse races. If you already have a little money, you can gamble at the casino or at the horse races to get even more money. Commit a crime. A number of crimes will get you some money, but you also have a risk of getting caught and going to jail. Sue someone. If you have a valid claim to sue someone else, you could get paid some money from the lawsuit settlement. Get an inheritance. If one of your character's parents dies and they have a lot of money, your character may inherit some of that money. Pray to the BitLife devs. If you choose to pray for wealth, you could get some money or a valuable item that you can sell. Sell something. If you have some assets that you no longer need, you can try selling them for money in the game. Use the Golden Piggy Bank. If you purchase the Golden Piggy Bank item for $9.99, you can start as many lives as you want with $1,000,000.
Open the Activities menu. This menu shows all the activities you can do in the game not related to work, school, your assets, or your relationships.
Scroll down and select Lottery. Your character must be 18 before you can play the lottery. All countries allow you to play the lottery, even countries that ban gambling.
Select Buy 10 tickets. While you can buy single tickets, buying 10 tickets at a time is more efficient and increases your chances of winning.
Keep buying tickets until you win. While the exact chances of winning the lottery isn't known, you will likely have to buy a lot of tickets before you end up winning. You can either keep buying tickets in the same year, or age up a year and try more. To make it less time-consuming to repeatedly go to the Lottery page, tap the menu button in the upper-left corner and scroll down, then tap Favorite Activities. Tap Lottery to pin the Lottery activity to the top of the Activities screen. The first time you win the lottery, you will get the "Jackpot" achievement. You can also get the "Rich" death ribbon if you win a very large jackpot.
Increasing Your Chances
Wait for a notification. If you have notifications turned on, BitLife will sometimes send you a notification saying you should play the lottery within the next few minutes. While it doesn't guarantee you'll win, there's a good chance you'll win the lottery if you end up playing it after you get this notification.
Get the Lucky Dice heirloom. If you end up finding the Lucky Dice heirloom, make sure to keep it. This heirloom will greatly increase your chances of winning the lottery (and also gives you a better chance of success at the casino).
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