Where to Hide Spare Keys
Under a rock or fake rock Find a large rock or purchase a realistic rock key hider. Place your key inside or tape it to the bottom, then place the rock in an inconspicuous area, preferably somewhere that has a lot of other rocks. The more natural the location, the better. Many thieves are likely aware of fake rocks, so it’s probably better to choose a real one, if possible. If you do use a fake one, make sure it’s somewhere inconspicuous and not right next to your front door. If you use a real rock, make sure you remember which one you chose so you don’t have to look under all of them when searching for your key!
In a lockbox or magnetic key holder There are plenty of products you can purchase to protect your keys. Place your key in a lockbox or magnetic key holder and hide it in an inconspicuous location, like under your porch, inside your grill, or in a meter box.
Under patio furniture If you have patio furniture, try taping your key to the foot of a chair or hiding it under the lip of a table. These likely won’t be the first place a potential thief looks, especially if they aren’t located near the front door. Similarly, try hiding your key inside a lantern or taping it to the back of an outdoor wall decoration or inside a fence cap. Or, hide a key inside a hammock stand by tying it to a piece of fishing line and dropping it inside.
Inside a birdhouse A birdhouse can be a great inconspicuous place to hide a key. If possible, place the birdhouse on a tree that isn’t too close to your front door and isn’t visible from the street. Stuff the house with old newspaper or put mesh at the entrance so birds don’t actually use it, and place your key inside.
In a doghouse Most thieves will likely avoid looking in dog houses so they don’t run into a potentially vicious dog. If you have a dog house, simply tape your spare key to the inside. Just make sure it’s secure enough that it won’t come loose if your dog bumps it. If you don’t have a dog, ask around to see if anyone has an old dog house you can have. The idea that a dog might be on the property may be enough to deter a lot of potential burglars. Similarly, hide your key in a cat litter bin. Just make sure it’s sealed so cats don’t actually use it!
Nailed to a tree If you live somewhere with a lot of tree coverage, this could be a great option for hiding a key. Choose a tree that’s far from your house and out of sight from the street. Drive a nail into the side that faces away from your house and hang your key on it.
In your gutter Most thieves probably wouldn’t think to check your gutters, making this a great option for hiding your keys. Simply apply tape or another adhesive to the key and attach it to the top of the inside of your rain drain. Make sure it’s secure so it doesn’t come loose while you’re away.
In spray foam If you’re feeling creative, spray and mold some spray foam into something that potential thieves wouldn’t want to touch, like a hornet’s nest or pile of dog poop. Simply spray the foam into the shape you want, let it harden, then paint it to match the item. Tape the key to the back or underside, then place it where you want.
With your neighbors If you’ve met and trust your neighbors, it may be safer to leave your spare key with them than hiding it somewhere outside your house. In addition to preventing you from getting locked out of your home, you’ll have another set of eyes to watch your property while you’re away, and your neighbor can alert you if something goes wrong or they notice anything suspicious. If you don’t know your neighbors well, consider giving a spare key to a trusted friend and asking if they’d check on your house a few times while you’re away.
Where Not to Hide Spare Keys
Under your doormat This is probably the first place most potential thieves would look when searching for a key. While it may be convenient, think of how easy it would be for someone to lift the mat and grab the key. Plus, if the mat gets moved, the key may be visible to anyone that comes to the door.
Under a flowerpot or garden statue Utilizing flowerpots or garden statues are another common place to hide keys, which means they likely won’t be the most secure location. This is especially true if they’re close to your front door. If you must use one, place it somewhere away from your door and out of sight from the street.
On the doorjamb It may be tempting to hide your key above your door, but this is another hiding spot that has become too well-known. Potential thieves can easily run their hand along the jamb and find your key. Try to find a hiding spot that’s farther away from your door. As an alternative, look for cracks and crevices around the outside of your home. Tie your key to a piece of fishing line, then slip it inside the crack to keep it safe while you’re away.
In the mailbox Whether you have a traditional mailbox or a wall mounted one, anyone could easily reach inside and grab your key. It’s also possible your key could get knocked out and lost when putting mail in or taking it out. Find somewhere less accessible to hide your key instead.
In your wallet There are a lot of reasons it isn’t ideal to keep your spare key in your wallet. If you get locked out and don’t have your wallet on you, you’ll have a hard time getting back inside. If you lose your wallet, someone could find it and have access to your address (from your ID) as well as your house key. While it’s a good idea to keep your primary house key with you, hide your spare somewhere else.
What to Do if Your Lose Your Keys
Stay calm and retrace your steps. If you get home and realize you don’t have your house key, don’t panic. It’s possible you just dropped them somewhere. Retrace your steps and check in and around your car to see if you dropped them. If you still can’t find them, go back to the last place you were (like a store or your job) to see if you can find them or call to see if anyone turned any keys in. When looking around your car, check the roof, ignition, between the seats, and beneath the vehicle.
See if you can get inside another way. If you have no luck finding your keys, check the perimeter of your house to see if there are any open windows or unlocked doors. If someone else is home or is about to get home, they can also let you inside.
Call your property owner if you rent. If you rent, your property owner can come unlock your door, though some may charge a fee. They may also have another spare key they can give you if you’ve lost yours. Again, depending on the owner, they may charge a fee for the additional key.
Contact a locksmith if necessary. If it comes down to it, call a professional locksmith. They can unlock your door and make a new copy of your key, if needed. Generally, locksmiths will need proof that you live at the residence, and hiring them can be costly. Your homeowner’s insurance may cover locksmith services. Contact your insurance company beforehand to find out.
File a police report and get new keys if the keys were stolen. If you suspect someone stole your keys, immediately file a police report so they can monitor the area for suspicious activity. Then, as soon as possible, re-key your home. Re-keying or reprogramming your locks can be expensive, but it’s still better than having your home broken into.
Where to Hide Spare Car Keys
In a safe or locked cabinet in your home It’s a good idea to keep a spare set of car keys somewhere in your home. To make sure you don’t lose them (or that someone else doesn’t take them), keep them in a locked safe, cabinet, or desk in your bedroom or office.
In your wheels Depending on your wheels’ design, it may be possible to hide your car keys behind them. A car tire’s well is often a discreet and accessible hiding spot, and the area is often overlooked by thieves. Just pay attention to how many people are around while you’re crouching near your tires.
Behind your license plate This is a secure location to hide your car keys, though it takes a bit of work. Unscrew your license plate and place your key behind it. If the key is narrow enough, it should stay in place when you screw your license plate back on. If you don’t have a screwdriver handy, use your loose change to loosen the screws.
Behind your bumper Examine your bumper and see if there’s space for your key on the lip of the underside. This won’t be possible for every car, but if there’s room, this is an easy way to hide your keys. Even if you know where they’re located, they can be hard to find in the dark, so potential thieves won’t be able to find them easily.
Under your hood If your hood can be opened from the outside of your car, this option allows for easy access if you get locked out. Simply place your keys in a nook under the hood so they won’t get crushed when you close it. This won’t be very helpful if you can only open your hood from inside the vehicle, however.
Hiding Keys FAQs
Should you hide a spare key? Hiding a spare key on your property may seem like a good idea in case you lock yourself out, but there are always risks. If a thief finds your spare key and enters your home, it could void your homeowner’s insurance policy. If you choose to hide a key, make sure to read your policy and avoid hiding the key in an obvious location. If possible, give your key to a trusted neighbor instead.
Where can I hide a spare key inside my home? If there are keys you want to hide inside your home, like spare car keys, consider placing them in a locked safe in an office or bedroom or in a locked cabinet or desk. A key lock box also works well. Alternatively, place your keys in a waterproof canister and bury it in an indoor flower pot, or put them in a shoebox with an inconspicuous label, like “art supplies.”
How much does it cost to replace a spare key? The cost of a replacement key depends on several factors, like the type of key it is, your location, and the time of day you’re getting it replaced. Costs also vary depending on if you use a locksmith, auto or hardware store, or a dealership. A simple key may cost under $50, while transponders or smart keys can cost hundreds of dollars.
Where do burglars look for hidden keys? Burglars check the most obvious locations first, so avoid hiding your keys under your doormat, in a flowerpot, or on the doorjamb. Hiding a key in a less obvious location may deter a potential thief, as it would take too much time to find and burglars need to be discreet.
How else can I secure my home? In addition to hiding your keys in a well-hidden location, consider installing a security camera or doorbell camera so you can monitor your property from your smartphone. These systems can send you notifications whenever motion is detected in your home or around your property.
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