Why Guys Call Someone “Stunning” or "Gorgeous" (& How to Respond)
Why Guys Call Someone “Stunning” or "Gorgeous" (& How to Respond)
If someone called you “stunning” in an Instagram comment or in a real life conversation, the meaning may be deeper than you think. “Stunning” is a higher compliment than “pretty” or “cute” and can actually refer to more than just your looks. If you want to unravel the secret of what he means and figure out the best way to respond, keep reading our comprehensive guide to “stunning!”
Things You Should Know
  • Compliments like “stunning” and “beautiful” are less common than “cute” or “pretty” and can mean that he’s shocked by how good you look.
  • If you’re in a relationship with someone who calls you “stunning,” it may mean that they love and appreciate you for more than just your looks.
  • People can stay “stunning” to flirt with you or to start conversations, especially online.

What Guys Mean When They Say “Stunning”

He thinks you look amazing. “Stunning” is a less common compliment than “beautiful” or “pretty,” so there’s a good chance that you look absolutely incredible to him. If he seems shocked to see you, or sees you across a room and can’t take his eyes off of you, he may find you very attractive.

He loves you. If you’re already in a relationship with someone who calls you stunning, he may be referring to more than your looks. Sometimes, compliments like “stunning” or “beautiful” also refer to your inner beauty, your character, and everything that makes him feel lucky to be with you. If he stops for a moment, lowers his voice, and seems relaxed (and awed at the same time), he may love you or care deeply for you.

He’s flirting with you. People often start flirting by giving the other person a high compliment. If he doesn’t know you very well and approaches you by saying “You look stunning!” it can mean he’s attracted to you and wants to let you know. Other signs that he’s flirting are prolonged eye contact, body scanning (he looks you up and down), leaning in close, and physical contact.

He wants you to talk to him. Sometimes, if a guy swipes up on an Instagram story or comments on a post with “Stunning,” he’s trying to flatter you to initiate conversation. If you don’t know him well, he may use “stunning” to start talking to you. He could also use “stunning” to start a conversation on a dating app, usually for the same reasons.

How to Respond to “Stunning”

Say thank you. Saying thank you is always a great way to respond to compliments. It shows the person that you heard them and you’re grateful for what they said. Some people find it hard to take a compliment, but just remember that this person believes what they said, and dismissing the compliment can make them feel bad.

Flirt back. If you think he’s flirting and you’re also interested in him, say something flirty back. If it’s online, text him something like “okay but you though..????” or “omg coming from you ????.” If it’s in person, smile and give him a compliment, like “handsome.” You can also respond playfully, as long as it’s clear you’re being sort of jokey. You could say something like “You don’t look too bad yourself, handsome.”

Continue the conversation. If someone DMs you or comments on a post, you can continue the conversation by commenting on something you did or wore in the post. You could bring up where the picture was taken, why you did a certain pose, or why you chose the outfit that you wore. If you don’t want to continue the conversation, just ignore the comment or message.

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