London: One of the Glasgow bombing accused has blamed India-born Kafeel Ahmed solely for the attack. Bilal Abdulla, an Iraqi doctor, who was in the jeep with Ahmed when they drove into the Glasgow airport after which the latter succumbed to severe burns, said the attack on the airport came ''out of the blue'' and he only threw Molotov cocktails because he was trying to get rid of them.
He now claims he was unaware of his accomplice's intention. Dr Abdulla, 29, has admitted leaving two Mercedes car bombs outside the Tiger nightclub in central London with accomplice Kafeel Ahmed, but claims they were a demonstration against Britain's policy in Iraq and were not supposed to explode.
Asked if he told an officer he was a terrorist as he arrived at a Glasgow police station, he said, ''I said something along those lines, but it was more like a question.''
''Everyone was saying you are a terrorist; you are arrested under the Terrorism Act and so forth. That is my case in a nutshell,'' he said, giving evidence in his defence at Woolwich Crown Court in South East London.
''By the definition of the Act, according to English law, yes. That is my aim to change opinion using violence,'' he said. Ahmed, 28, a PhD engineering student from India, who was driving the jeep, died from the burns he suffered a month after the Glasgow attack.
Dr Abdulla said, ''If it was to kill people or cause an explosion, we would not have done it that way. It looks very clumsy.''
He said after the failed London attacks, his plan was to escape to Paris and then to Iraq, a ''lawless country where it is much easier to disappear.''
Ahmed was to head for Liverpool and ''keep a low profile'' before returning to India, he said. But Dr Abdulla said he woke up on the morning of June 30, the day after the London attempt, with a migraine headache and told Ahmed he didn't think he could go to the airport.Ahmed suggested they leave their rented house in Houston near Paisley and go to Loch Lomond on the way to the airport.
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