Libra Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Libra Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Find out what the stars have in store for you in the new year.



2009 is going to bring a whole bunch of changes in your life and work. Starting January, Mercury goes retrograde for about a month. At this time, the rule of thumb is that whatever you do in the area of everyday routine in commerce, commuting back and forth, and in communications - it's not typically going to go as smoothly as you thought it would.

This brings us to another important matter: remain flexible.If necessary, have a back-up plan. In fact, have two back-up plans. A very potent Saturn turns direct in mid-May.This means it is time for rewards according to the deeds done, thoughts thought and words said.

Other than this, social groups will be a source of information for something you may have been looking for. Neptune turns direct in November. This will be a time when a lack of boundaries, imagination, creativity and a desire to experience the pleasures of the moment can get the best of you as logic is set aside replaced by intuition.

A special word of advice for December is to do what you are supposed to in terms of responsibility, no matter what. You will probably find it unwise to attempt sudden changes or to rush through things. Take practical steps and accept limitations while you take serious steps toward your long term goals.


This year you find yourself getting attracted to someone who shares your ideals of beauty and comfort. You will share an intimate relationship with this person. But, initially you may take time while deciding whether you want this relationship or not. Get out there and enjoy yourself by doing something fun.

Much will be happening on the romantic front due to the influence of Venus and Moon. You'll find yourself in the mood to take chances and enjoy every bit of it. You're not necessarily looking for deep long-lasting love at the moment. Many of you already have that. This time is about thrills, excitement and adventure. It's more about right now than forever.

All this is fine but towards the middle of the year, things may turn a bit when you may experience some differences with your mate due to the influence of Ketu. Some of you may even find your love not being reciprocated during this time. Your energy at this time is right to attract someone who loves you.

So you need to stop wasting your energy on someone who doesn't have the same feelings for you. Ketu may exert its influence on your marriage and cause problems between you and your partner.


In January 2009, you will see yourself practically a master of all that you do. Dedicate yourself to one Holy Grail, business or personal, and keep everything else at bay. If you can manage this, you`ll surge ahead of others in your field.


Venus influences you, as your lordship is with this planet. Artistic, organised, social and spiritual,your ability to adjust well will help you advance in your career.

Remember that your lucky days to do anything new are Sundays, Mondays, Saturdays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Your lucky numbers are 1, 2, 4, and 7. Avoid wearing green and yellow.

This year will be good for investments right in the beginning. A word of caution until mid May: there may be certain upheavals at office. If you are searching for a new job - domestic or over-seas - get a hold over your mood swings. Keep your spirits up and be optimistic.

Those searching for a job overseas will have to wait. August and September will be tough on you, but don't let your confidence fall. It's not a glam time, to say the least, but may be one of the most productive periods in recent memory.

Sequester yourself from everyone that dilutes your energy, concentration and ambition.Towards the end of this year, you'll be showered with many gifts and promotions and even may be a job overseas.


This year, communication will be the key to keeping your financial tensions at bay. Businessmen who are drawn towards politics are likely to incur some loss due to negligence at work. Wait for a while before investing your money, as this is not a good time to take risks.

If you are in a financial crisis and expecting to be helped by your relatives then this is not likely to be fruitful due to influence of Rahu and Mars.Do your homework before making any decisions-and don't sign anything without putting it in front of a dependable legal advisor.

Making improvements in your financial circumstances may cost you some money upfront, but will save you plenty in the future. This is a good time to invest in properties as you make substantial gains from real estate.

A pending loan gets sanctioned towards the middle of the year. Past investments will give you huge returns during this period due to the influence of Saturn and Jupiter.

By the end of the year you will get some great projects with the help of your influential contacts. Selling your property will give you financial profits. Your overall picture looks favourable and you will improve your financial situation this year. In fact, you may well be the power that gets things moving!


This is a big turn-around year for you in terms of being in-charge of your health, should you use this time to your advantage. Following a regular routine is a must, for one thing.


Women could be in particular need of a strict nutrition watch, as the planets Venus and Rahu could play truant and send certain problems your way. You need to consult a good doctor who will give you the remedy to your problems.

Oily and spicy food can lead to a lot of health problems like diabetes, arthritis, indigestion etc. so avoid it. Towards the middle of the year there are chances of old problems recurring.

Mental tensions are indicated if you get affected from relationship troubles due to Moon and Ketu. Restlessness can lead to some discomfort. Try meditation; it will help you get rid of stress.

Also, this could be a time for bacteria and virus; ensure your vaccinations are in place. November spells caution although your immune system bounces back to health.

Emotional vulnerability is alright but just make sure no one is able to take advantage of this state of yours and exploit you or walk over you.

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