PM claims inflation will be under control in a fortnight
PM claims inflation will be under control in a fortnight
Singh said Govt has already taken steps to check the upward trend of prices.

New Delhi: Noting that the Government was concerned about inflation, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday said more steps could be taken to contain it and a moderation could be expected in a couple of weeks.

Attributing the inflation to rise in prices of certain commodities internationally, Singh said the Government has already taken steps to check the upward trend of prices.

"We are all concerned. The Cabinet Committee on Prices met and took certain decisions. Whatever more can be done, will be done," he said at the Rashtrapati Bhawan after the swearing-in of new ministers.

Asked about the time frame by which the inflation was expected to moderate, the Prime Minister said, "There is no time frame, I can honestly say. In a couple of weeks it is expected (to moderate)."

Congress President Sonia Gandhi, who was also present, said the Government was taking steps to contain the situation.

The Prime Minister said there were "difficulties" as prices of food grains and petroleum products worldwide were going up."

He, however, pointed out that the Government had not allowed rise in prices of items being sold through the Public Distribution System (PDS) to those Below Poverty Line and Above Poverty Line.

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