Set to enter the political fray by joining the BJP next week, technocrat E Sreedharan on Friday said his main aim is to help the party come to power in Kerala and that he will be open to chief ministership. He also said that the focus will be on developing infrastructure in a big way and bring the state out of the debt trap if the BJP wins the assembly polls that are likely to be held in AprilMay this year.
New Delhi: Set to enter the political fray by joining the BJP next week, technocrat E Sreedharan on Friday said his main aim is to help the party come to power in Kerala and that he will be open to chief ministership.
He also said that the focus will be on developing infrastructure in a big way and bring the state out of the debt trap if the BJP wins the assembly polls that are likely to be held in April-May this year.
Known as 'Metroman' as well as for the efficiency in completing big infrastructure projects, Sreedharan told .
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