Working in a cafe or restaurant is a challenging task, as it requires staff to maintain patience and remain calm for delivering exceptional service. The extra hard work often earns these workers tips, but imagine a scenario where a waitress receives a massive tip, which leads to unexpected consequences. In a US restaurant, Oven & Tap in Arkansas, waitress Ryan Brandt found herself in a challenging situation after she accepted a whopping $4400 (approximately Rs 3 Lakh) tip from a group of over 40 customers. While the tip was only meant for her and her co-server, the restaurant had different plans. The manager instructed Ryan to keep 20 percent and distribute the remaining amount with fellow staff. However, she disagreed with this decision, and as a result, she was fired.
Meanwhile, Grant Wise, owner of a real estate company, came up with the plan of ‘$100 Dinner Club’ to support a restaurant, and each member of his group contributed $100 (approximately Rs 8000) for tip. Before visiting the restaurant, Wise ensured that there was no tip sharing policy and proceeded with the plan only after it was confirmed with a restaurant employee. However, days later, he learned that the waitress, who received the tip, was fired from the job for disclosing the tip policy to him.
Recalling the incident, Ryan Brandt told KNWA, “I was told that I was going to be giving my cash over to my shift manager and I would be taking home 20 percent. It was devastating, I borrowed a significant amount for student loans. Most of them were turned off because of the pandemic but they’re turning back on in January and that’s a harsh reality.”
In a statement, the restaurant, Oven & Tap informed, “After dining, this large group of guests requested that their gratuity be given to two particular servers. We fully honoured their request. Out of respect for our highly valued team members, we do not discuss the details surrounding the termination of an employee.”
According to LadBible, upon learning about Ryan Brandt’s termination, Grant Wise made a wise decision and requested to return the tip amount from the restaurant. After he received the tip amount, Wise ensured that Brandt would get to keep the entire amount and handed the money directly to her outside the restaurant premises.
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