Watch: Boy Keeps Live Electric Wires In His Mouth And Nothing Happens
Watch: Boy Keeps Live Electric Wires In His Mouth And Nothing Happens
After putting the wire in his mouth, the current spread in the boy's body.

While electricity offers numerous conveniences, it is also hazardous. Every day, we hear and read about people losing their lives due to electrocution. Sometimes, individuals die while performing stunts, and other times, people are fatally electrocuted when wires break during rain. But have you ever seen someone put 240 volts of electricity in their mouth? Undoubtedly, this is a reckless act, yet such a video currently goes viral on social media, showing someone playing with electricity.

In a viral video, a boy connects the wire to the electricity meter. After that, he puts both the main phase and the earth in his mouth. While doing this, the boy is smiling as he does not feel any electric shock. The other boy puts a tester on his body and tests it, and then the light in the tester starts glowing. After putting the wire in his mouth, the current spread in the boy’s body but even after openly playing with death in the form of electric shock, nothing happened to him.

Later, the boy takes the wire out of his mouth and also pulls out the wire from the meter. But such a thing is very dangerous. One should not do this even accidentally because this current can kill anyone in an instant. The boy himself shared his video on Instagram. The boy’s name is Raju Mala, who can be found on Instagram under the name @rajumala88.

Commenting on this video, one user has written that one should not play such games, life is very precious. Another user has written that take the slippers and test it, brother. The third user has written that this is very easy but this should not be done. It is a matter of life. At the same time, the fourth user has said in his comment that I can come back from the touch of death. Another user wrote that if you connect both the wires in the same phase, you will not become Shaktimaan. However, performing such stunts is very dangerous.

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