Washington: Donald Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway on Tuesday suggested her candidate was hurt by not having the full support of the Republican establishment.
If Trump loses narrowly it would be "too bad" that "we have former Presidents not voting for us, former nominees not voting for us", The Washington Post quoted Conway as telling MSNBC.
"That's got to hurt," she said, according to the exchange reported by the Wall Street Journal. "When you talk about growing the party, the idea was growing it, but having that base together."
The last Republican President, George W. Bush, and the party's last nominee, Mitt Romney, both refused to support Trump, with Romney being especially outspoken in his disdain.
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While Conway appeared to be largely complaining about those party standard bearers, it did seem like an about face from earlier in the day when the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee held a joint conference call with reporters to discuss how well situated they were to win.
Meanwhile, a senior adviser from Donald Trump's inner circle sized up the US Republican presidential candidate's chances on Tuesday in one stunning sentence: "It will take a miracle for us to win."Also Read: US Election 2016: Former President George W Bush Refrains From Voting
The adviser went on to say that Trump was in such a deep hole after the "Access Hollywood" tape that it was assumed inside the campaign that he would lose by a wide margin, CNN reported.
Trump's ability to close that gap in the last weeks of the campaign is seen as a pretty stunning achievement -- one that may even save the Senate for the GOP in the view of this adviser.Also Read: US Polls 2016: Trump, Clinton Run Close in Ohio, Florida and Elsewhere
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