Look for sinus congestion and pain. There are many common symptoms of a sinus infection. One of the main symptoms is sinus congestion. This is typically connected with sinus pain as well, due to the pressure from the inflamed sinus cavity. Check for pain in the areas on and around your nose. This pressure often causes headaches, as well. There may be pain when you move your head forward or when you touch the areas over your sinus cavities. For example, it might hurt or feel uncomfortable if you tap or press underneath your eyes, where the maxillary sinuses are located. The symptoms can seem very similar to the common cold. However, cold symptoms tend to clear up after 3-5 days, while a sinus infection may stick around for much longer, or start to get better and then become worse again.
See if you have discolored sinus discharge. One of the other major signs of a sinus infection is discolored sinus discharge, or snot. The color of the discharge will be green, yellow, or blood-tinged. This is due to the virus or bacteria in your system, which causes the snot to change colors. It will also likely be thick and might be hard to blow out. This is another major way to distinguish a sinus infection from a common cold. You’re likely to have a lot of discharge with a cold, but it is usually clear. The discharge with a sinus infection will always have a cloudy and colored appearance.
Take note of a cough. Along with the nasal symptoms, you may develop a cough as well. The nasal discharge often drains into your throat and lungs, which is called a post-nasal drip. You may feel the sensation that it is draining to the back of your throat. This drip can cause a cough that may or may not be productive, which means that it produces phlegm.You may also develop a low-grade fever. A sinus infection does not cause mucus to be created in your lungs, so your lungs shouldn’t feel crackly or congested. The cough you develop with a sinus infection is the way your body reacts to post-nasal drip. It is simply trying to expel the phlegm that runs into your throat from your sinuses.
Distinguish sinusitis due to chronic allergies. You can develop a sinus infection as a result of your allergies. Chronic sinusitis from an allergy causes similar symptoms to any other sinus infection. For this type of sinus infection, you may have sinus pressure and pain for days leading up to the onset of the infection. The change in color of your mucus shows when your sinus issues change from allergies to an infection. Chronic allergy sufferers may also have nasal polyps, which impede drainage and predispose you to infection.
Seek medical care if your symptoms last longer than 10 days. If you have been suffering from the symptoms of a sinus infection for more than 10 days and the symptoms have not gotten better, you need to seek medical attention. There is a higher likelihood that you could develop a buildup of bacteria in your sinuses, which can cause a secondary infection. This will make your condition much worse and cause you more discomfort and pain. Your doctor can prescribe or recommend medications to help you feel better, such as oral decongestants, medicated nasal sprays, or steroids to reduce inflammation. Bacterial sinusitis feels a lot like a common cold, but with intense sinus pain and pressure that will not go away. If your doctor thinks you have a bacterial infection, they may prescribe an antibiotic. Antibiotics won’t help with sinusitis caused by viruses. If your symptoms last for under a week, you do not need to see a healthcare provider. Up to 70% of those infected with sinusitis recover without the use of medication or without seeing a doctor. If your doctor is concerned about an intracranial infection or orbital cellulitis, they may order a CT scan. This will allow them to see your sinuses for diagnosis.
Home Treatment
Take zinc supplements to boost your immune system. There are some treatment and preventative methods that can help you when you have or think you might be getting a sinus infection. When you first suspect a sinus infection or cold is coming on, start taking zinc as quickly as possible. Studies show that zinc taken within 24 hours of the beginning of cold symptoms greatly decrease the duration of the symptoms. Studies also show that a dose between 75 mg-150 mg daily will shorten the duration of a cold by up to 48%. You can get zinc in a lozenge form over the counter at most drugstores. Try common brands such as Cold-EEZE. To use zinc lozenges, dissolve the lozenge in 1 cup (240 mL) of water and drink every 1 to 3 hours for your total daily dose. Avoid using zinc nasal sprays, since they can damage your sense of smell.
Ingest vitamin C to improve your overall health. Ingesting a large amount of vitamin C naturally enhances your immune function.This can help fight the symptoms of your sinus infection. Multiple studies show that doses of 1000-2000 mg of vitamin C daily provided great benefits in reducing not only duration but severity of the symptoms. While taking too much vitamin C is unlikely to be dangerous, it might cause unpleasant side effects, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or headaches. Ask your doctor before taking more than the maximum recommended daily dose of 2000 mg. You can get more vitamin C every day through citrus fruit and leafy green vegetables. You can also buy over the counter supplements in powder, tablet, and chewable form.
Use a neti pot to clear your congested sinuses. When you start to feel your nostrils inflame, you can use a neti pot to help with the symptoms. A neti pot is a miniature teapot-shaped device that cleanses your sinus passages by flooding warm water through one nostril and out the other. To use one, fill the pot with warm water that is around 120 °F (49 °C). Tilt your head to the side to allow the water to pour into your right nostril and drain out the left. Neti pots can be dangerous if you use them incorrectly. If you breathe during a nasal douche, it can introduce bacteria into your nasal cavities and possibly lead to pneumonia. Always use clean water in a neti pot to avoid infections. If you are worried about the safety of your water, boil it for at least 10 minutes and then let it cool to the recommended temperature before using.
Try echinacea to speed up your recovery. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of evidence that echinacea is effective for treating respiratory tract infections, such as colds or sinus infections. However, many people swear by this popular folk remedy, and it’s unlikely cause harm if you take it short-term. Ask your doctor for advice about how much to take, or follow the dosage recommendations on the package. Don’t give echinacea supplements to a child unless their doctor recommends it. Ask your doctor’s advice if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking other medications, herbs, or supplements.
Try allergy medication to reduce sinus congestion from allergies. There are many different over-the-counter allergy medications that are helpful when you suffer from sinusitis due to chronic allergies. These come in tablet and nasal spray forms. Try tablet medications such as Claritin or Zyrtec. Take 5-10mg per day or the recommended dose on the packaging. You can also try nasal sprays such as Flonase, which is a non-addictive steroid-based nasal spray that was once by prescription only but is now available over the counter. There are other nasal sprays available, but they have negative side effects. Some nasal decongestant sprays can cause a rebound effect if you use them for more than a few days, in which congestion will worsen if the product is not used daily.
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