Common Spiritual Meanings of Wasps
Aggression and defense Wasps are known to sting when they or their home are threatened. Because of this, these insects are frequently associated with anger and aggression. However, this can sometimes be a good thing, as they also symbolize self-defense and protection.
Perseverance Wasps are industrious creatures that work hard to build and rebuild their nests each year. Because of this, wasps often symbolize perseverance, dedication, and hard work. They’ll stop at nothing to achieve their goals.
Community and cooperation Wasps live in colonies and communicate closely to build their nests and ensure their community thrives. Therefore, wasps symbolize and highlight the importance of teamwork and effective communication to achieve goals.
Sacrifice and selflessness Worker wasps will do anything to protect their colony, and this often means sacrificing themselves by attacking large threats, like humans. Because of this, wasps sometimes symbolize selflessness and sacrifice for the greater good.
Wasp Meanings Around the World
In some Native American cultures, wasps are spiritual messengers. In many Native American cultures, winged animals and insects, including wasps, are believed to be messengers that can travel between the physical and spiritual realm to deliver messages to and from the gods. In some cultures, wasps are also associated with healing, productivity, and structure. The wasp may also serve as a totem animal in some cultures. In these cases, wasps may symbolize and encourage spiritual growth, self-reflection, protection, loyalty, and community. Similarly, wasps represent healers and female warriors in Shamanism.
In the Bible, hornets represent God’s wrath. While the term “wasp” isn’t directly mentioned in the Bible, many believe hornets and other stinging insects are a metaphor for God’s wrath and judgment toward enemies. In Deuteronomy 7:20, God promised to give aid to the Israelites to help them conquer the Canaanites, and this aid is often translated as hornets.
In Japan, wasps represent the samurai. In Japan, the word for wasp is “hachi,” which is also a play on the word “hachimaki,” a traditional headband worn by the samurai. The samurai were believed to guard their honor and values in the same way wasps defend their nest. Wasps also symbolize the fearlessness, determination, and unwavering courage of the samurai spirit, and were sometimes depicted on on weapons and armor.
In some parts of Africa, wasps are associated with fertility. Some peoples in Togo and Zambia believe that women will drink wasp nests to help them become pregnant and to prevent abortion. The Shona people of Zimbabwe believe drinking from wasp nests will facilitate delivery, and the people of Togo believe wasp nests can help relieve menstrual pain. The Nyanja people of Zambia also give future husbands a drink made from wasp nests to ensure a successful marriage and to prevent them from leaving their wives. Many African cultures also associate wasps with healing, as potter wasps are sometimes used as medicine for curing mumps.
In ancient China, bees and wasps were considered bad luck. In early Chinese texts, bees and wasps, known collectively as “feng,” were often associated with violence, cruelty, and bad luck, and were commonly mentioned alongside scorpions. This is likely because of the insects’ defensive nature and painful stings. In the Chinese practice of feng shui, practitioners are advised to keep wasp nests away from living spaces to promote harmony and positive energy.
What It Means to See a Wasp
Seeing a wasp build a nest means it’s time to take action. Wasps work hard to build their nests and protect their colonies, so seeing them at their nest often means it’s time for you to focus on your goals, as well. If you have an idea, now is the time to act on it. Take the necessary steps to bring your goal to fruition. For example, if you’ve been wanting to switch career paths, now is the time to start applying for jobs or go back to school.
Seeing a wasp suggests you should reconnect with family. Wasps live in colonies and would do anything to protect them, much like a family. If you’ve been distant from your family, seeing a wasp may mean it’s time to reconnect and strengthen your bond. Don’t be afraid to make the first move.
Seeing a wasp may be a sign to embrace femininity. Because wasps are sometimes associated with female warriors and matriarchy, seeing a wasp may mean it’s time to get in touch with your feminine side, regardless of your gender. For women, it can also be a sign to embrace sisterhood and community and to figure out what being a strong woman means to you.
Hearing a wasp is a reminder to watch your back. The buzzing of a wasp often evokes feelings of caution, discomfort, and fear. If you hear a wasp, it may be a sign to pay attention to your surroundings and be wary of any people or situations that might not be good for you. Be vigilant, and take care of issues before they get out of hand.
Seeing a dead wasp may signify the end of a threat. Because wasps are often seen as aggressive and dangerous, seeing a dead one may bring about a sense of comfort. This could mean that you’ve reached the end of a conflict or negative situation, or that new opportunities await you. If you consider a dead wasp an omen, seeing one may mean you should use caution when approaching a current situation. Sometimes, seeing a dead wasp can also be a reminder of the fleeting nature of life.
Wasp Dream Meanings
If you have recurring dreams about wasps, you have hidden anger. When you frequently dream about wasps, you may need to address some hidden anger, irritation, or temptations. Something is bothering your subconscious that likely needs to be addressed in your waking life. If you know what’s bothering you, don’t keep your feelings bottled up. For example, if you’re angry at someone, calmly let them know how you feel. Or, try journaling if you’re not ready to talk about them. If the wasp appears in your house, however, it often means there will soon be improvement in your present situation.
If you dream of a wasp building a nest, focus on your goals. Dreaming of wasps building a nest is often a reflection of your productivity, as wasps are known for their determination to rebuild nests. It’s time to set and accomplish new goals. Make plans and be resourceful to achieve what you need. Don’t let distractions get in your way.
If you dream of a wasp stinging you, be cautious of your surroundings. Dreaming of getting stung by a wasp may mean someone has betrayed you or something from your past has come back to bite you. You may also have feelings of anger or envy toward a person or situation. Reassess and make sure you’re surrounded by people and things that truly benefit you. Similarly, if a wasp attacks you in your dream, it often symbolizes a verbal or physical assault from someone in your waking life.
If you dream of killing a wasp, stand up for yourself. When you kill a wasp in your dream, it’s time to embrace the warrior inside of you. Stand up to anyone who has been belittling you and get ready to overcome any challenges that stand in the way of your goals. If the wasps swarm before you kill them, it often reflects your anxiety or worry about challenging your enemies.
If you dream of a giant wasp, it represents an inner fear. Many people are scared of wasps because of their painful sting, and seeing a giant one would be even more frightening. Your fears are likely manifesting this way in your dream. Think of what’s been bothering you and try to figure out a way to overcome it. Give yourself the courage to face your fears.
If you dream of wasps in your mouth, you’ve been gossiping. When wasps come out of your mouth in a dream, it’s often a sign that you’ve been saying hurtful things about others. Even if you don’t like someone, try to stop talking about them behind their back. If you have an issue with them, try to address them directly. On the other hand, dreaming of wasps coming out of your ears often means you’ve been withholding information. It might be time to come forward with the truth.
If you dream of wasps stuck in your hair, it reflects your goals in life. This may sound like a negative situation, but in dreams, your head (and hair) can sometimes represent your brain and ideas. Having wasps in your hair often means that your action and determination will be important for achieving your goals.
If you dream of a dead wasp, it represents convenience or love. Dreaming of dead things doesn’t usually have positive connotations, but think about it; we often associate wasps with danger and negativity, so if they’re dead, that danger is gone. For this reason, dreaming about a dead wasp is often a sign of positive things, like love and amiability.
Wasp Spirit Animal Meaning
If your “spirit animal” is a wasp, you have an exciting personality. If you feel a strong connection to wasps, you likely have a large personality, are comfortable in social situations, and likely make friends easily. However, you may have issues with trust, intimacy, and commitment, and tend to avoid serious romantic relationships. Be aware that while most Native American cultures do not use the term “spirit animal” in their one beliefs and practices, the term may still be considered offensive, as non-Native people have appropriated complex animal symbolism used in spiritual practices and reduced it to a pop culture term. Rather than saying a wasp is your spirit animal, it may be better to say you strongly relate to them. Some people have also started using the term “patronus” from Harry Potter in place of spirit animal.
Wasp Tattoo Meanings
Wasp tattoos represent self-defense and protection. Because of the wasp’s aggressive nature, wasp tattoos often symbolize strength, resilience, and the ability to protect yourself. They can also represent community, productivity, and teamwork, as wasps are known for working together to build hives. A wasp tattoo can also hold personal meanings for the person who has it, or it may have no particular meaning at all.
Wasp Meanings in Literature & Art
In media, wasps are often metaphors for conflict. Wasps are sometimes depicted in literature, art, and film as representations of aggression, danger, or irritation. They often evoke feelings of dread, discomfort, or unease. When used positively, they can represent tenacity, grit, and the ability to overcome obstacles. For example, wasps are featured in Stephen King’s The Shining. In the novel, the character Jack finds a wasps’ nest and thinks it’s a sign of success in his future, but instead, it brings disaster, as the wasps later attack his son, Danny. Near the end of the novel, Jack says, “Living by your wits is always knowing where the wasps are.” The ancient Greek poet Aristophanes also wrote a comedic play called The Wasps, in which a group of elderly Athenians are costumed as wasps.
Wasp Spiritual Meaning FAQs
What do wasps mean in astrology? In addition to having a specific symbol to represent them, each zodiac sign also has a ruling insect, and wasps are the ruling insect for Sagittarius. In astrology, wasps symbolize creation, protection, and judgment. Because Sagittariuses have a positive attitude that influences those around them, wasps are also a symbol of familial obligation and matriarchy.
What do black wasps mean spiritually? In addition to representing the same spiritual meanings as other wasps, black wasps sometimes symbolize power and protection from evil forces. This is because the color black frequently represents power and authority and is associated with death, evil, and magic.
What do red wasps mean spiritually? Red wasps generally hold the same spiritual meanings as any wasp, though they sometimes have additional meanings because of their color. Red is a color of passion, energy, and vitality, so red wasps may also represent these traits.
What do yellow jackets mean spiritually? Yellow jackets (and hornets) typically symbolize the same things as other wasps. Yellow jackets are often considered a sign of protection, hard work, and the importance of community. They also represent defensiveness, aggression, and the need to be cautious around others.
What proverbs and sayings are associated with wasps? Sayings about wasps often reflect the insect’s reputation for being aggressive. Some common phrases include “mad as a hornet” and “stirring up a hornet’s nest.”
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