THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The CAG report on irregular grant of provisional affiliation during the 2005-2009 period points fingers at the previous Left-dominated Syndicate.The University had issued provisional affiliation to 93 colleges and permanent affiliation to two colleges. A test check of files related to 33 self-financing colleges revealed the non-observance of statutory provisions in five colleges, resulting in irregular grant of provisional affiliation.Provisional affiliation is granted after inspection by the University to self-financing colleges on their inception for the first academic year alone. The audit observed that subsequent inspections were conducted only when additional courses were sanctioned. However, the Statute insisted on periodical inspection. The Registrar had stated before the CAG that the inspections were being carried out in the colleges periodically after granting affiliation. However, there were no records for the same in the University. According to the Chapter 24 of the University Statute, the Syndicate is empowered to grant affiliation to any institution within the jurisdiction of the University, provided the institution satisfied the conditions prescribed in the laws of the University. It is mandatory for the University to ensure quality of education and verify the capability of the colleges in all respects on a year-to-year basis.In the exit interview, the Principal Secretary to the Government observed that these institutions were only self-financing and not self-running as the University is conducting the examinations and should ensure the mandatory requirements.
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