Homeopathy can help in trichotillomania
Homeopathy can help in trichotillomania
Homeopathy provides a safe and long-term solution for this condition.

New Delhi: Trichotillomania (TTM) or "trich" is an impulse control disorder characterised by the recurrent urge to pull out one’s own body hair from the scalp, eyelashes, beard , nose, eyebrows or any other area. An estimated 10 per cent of the world's population is affected by this strange and painful condition with 80 per cent of those afflicted being women.

Most TTM patients live relatively normal lives except for developing bald spots on their head or eye brows. Eyelashes do grow back but thinner and fewer.

What is alarming though is the embarrassment and low self-esteem that accompanies this disorder.A fear of facing people can cause social isolation.


TTM may be suspected where there are these indications:

  • Easing of tension, and a feeling of pleasure or gratification right after hair-pulling.
  • Significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
  • Homoeopathy and Trichotillomania:

    Trichotillomania is not a cosmetological disorder but a psychosomatic ailment. A mind and body medicine, Homeopathy’s holistic approach proves the most effective course of treatment for psychosomatic disorders.

    Some Homeopathic Remedies:

    Belladonna:Where all five senses are affected. The patient is wildly delirious, excited, ferocious, noisy, cries out, talks fast, very restless. There is fear of imaginary things and he or she becomes quarrelsome. Patient lives in his own world.

    Stramonium: Where patient awakes terrified, screams with fright and if a child, clings to those near him. The patient talk ceaselessly and there is religious insanity or self-accusation. The patient desires company or is either shy and hides or tries to escape.

    Tarentula: Where there is a marked aversion to the colours, black, red, yellow and green. One can witness sudden change of moods in the patient. The patient lacks control and is erratic and impulsive. He or she is malingering when there are no observers, but when anyone’s looking will begin to twitch, faint and pretend to attract attention.

    Cuprum: Where patient is nervous, uneasy, weeps violently, fears society, shuns everybody, feels confused and afraid of anybody who approaches him. The patient is also bad tempered and sulky.

    The effects of trichotillomania can be truly serious:

    Associated feelings of shame may cause social withdrawal, chewing hair can result in dental erosion; eating hair may result in hairballs (trichobezoars) becoming lodged in the stomach or large intestine which can lead to anemia, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, hematemesis (vomiting blood), or bowel obstruction and perforation.

    Homeopathy provides a safe and long-term solution for this unfortunate condition. It not only cures the symptoms of the illness but also its cause returning the patient to good health and positivity.

    For health queries write in to [email protected] or consult specialists at Dr Batra's Positive Health Clinics at 22816516, 32962231 or SMS DB to 8888.

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