Sagittarius Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Sagittarius Horoscope 2009: Love, job, money and health
Find out what the stars have in store for you in the new year.



Mercury retrograde for about a month starting January may not be the ideal start to 2009, but it sure is going to bring out the best in you! This is a time you'll remember with thanks in retrospect.

You'll learn to be more careful with your words. The waiting game could be a little painful, but during this highly charged Mercury retro phase, it is necessary.

If you move too fast, you'll undermine an opportunity for stunning success.You're likely to enjoy success in any case,but may have to wait a little longer for something that pulsates 'wow' as opposed to ok.

To keep yourself from worrying, stay busy. Communicate with teachers or mentors for advice,but in the end keep your own counsel.Go over all documents signed by others with a fine-toothed comb.

Mid year, if you're involved in creative project, this is your kind of time. If you're involved in marketing, anticipate a nice bonus round that pays better than anticipated. It's impossible to lose at this time.

The last leg of the year's going to be totally outstanding. You're flexible in your thought process and not offended by another's criticism. Anything remotely negative just rolls off your back.It sure will be halleluiah time and you must make the most of it.


This year people get attracted to your warm, generous and happy go lucky attitude.You will meet someone who will respond to your charm. Your partner may be a bit negative but you will use your warm nature to maintain a balance in your relationship. Communication will be gentle and easy during this time.

The planet Jupiter acts as a driving force in your romantic life. Singles can expect a surprise that is sure to lift your spirits. Do not hesitate to express what you feel towards the one you love.

Towards the middle of the year communication becomes a bit difficult and you may have trouble understanding each other. But there is no need to worry, as communication will become easier once you learn to accept your differences. If you can dismiss little mishaps, you'll be so much better off - happier, too.

Just let the mental debris go - along with any illusion of control over your environment. If you are single accept all invitations to attend social gatherings. You are likely to meet someone interesting there. Things will work out - famously; so keep the faith.

At the end of the year, expect a great gift from your partner which you will cherish all your life.


2009 finds you more ambitious positive than ever. No matter how many problems you face in life, you will always be optimistic and give it a good fight. Your lucky days are: Sunday, Thursday, Wednesday and Friday; and your lucky numbers are: 6, 3, 5, 8, 1 and 4.


Your lucky colours are: white, cream, orange, and light blue. Those awaiting promotions will achieve your aim, but only after a little delay.

Jupiter being influenced by Ketu may cause you to become a little disillusioned. To avoid such a situation, try to enjoy your job. As the saying goes, "he who loves his job doesn't have to work a day in his life."

Mid year brings a relief in any negative situation. Be it your job, promotion or business, everything will sore high. This is a huge moment where what you asked for and have planned and held the energy on is really going to come true.

So, be prepared to suddenly be thrust into the limelight or a managerial or project manager sort of position one that you're probably not used to taking onbut you`ll be able to do it now.

This is NOT the time to hesitate, either. If you get offered a job or something fresh, just take it! Have no worries, this sure is going to be one great year for you professionally!


2009 brings a lot of interesting lessons your way. Don't forget, this year, you'll need to make your decisions very carefully without basing them on emotional reasons.

This is not a good time to apply for loans. This is a time when you will make some investments to change your business profile. Beware of following blind advice of a friend; not using your own reasoning could prove disastrous.

Also,unexpected expenditures are likely at home so you need to be careful with your expenses. Financial gain is indicated on the work front,especially if you keep you emotions in check when the situation demands you to.

Don't be reluctant to cut back on your entertainment expenses; it could save you from a crunch. Towards the middle of the year you will gain by investing in commercial properties. Legal cases will be solved so you can expect to recover your money due to the favourable influence of Mars.

This is a good time for you as you experience greater financial stability and emotional security. At the end of the year, you'll get financial help from someone close that will secure your financial position.

The yearend is a very good time for sales and marketing professionals due to the influence of Saturn and Moon.


This year a hectic work schedule is indicated. You may feel physically and mentally drained. Avoid cold food or stale food to have a sound health. Avoid following rules blindly and do try to adapt yourself to changes to be stress free.

If you have any breathing problems and haven't been able to find a solution with medication, you should try yoga, especially pranayam and do try alternative healing means. During this time you may feel a bit low both mentally and physically. Yoga and Reiki will help you heal and have a better health.


During the middle of the year, there may be certain stress issues which may make you feel mentally run-down. Around this time, some of you older people may suffer from gastric trouble and joint pains too.

There is one suggestion applicable to all of you for this: don't take your illness to your heart. Instead, modify your eating habits and go for regular walks. Heart patients should go for regular consultations to your doctor. Eat more fibrous food.

Also, yellow coloured food is good for you health wise. Towards the end of the year, women, especially will need to work at keeping your weight in control.

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