Turn to homeopathy for fine head of hair problems
Turn to homeopathy for fine head of hair problems
Identifying the underlying cause while treating fine hair is important, say experts.

New Delhi: Vinita Shirodkar was losing hair for six months and was desperate for a cure like maybe a milllion other people in India who lose hair everyday. After all it has been truly said a hair in the head is worth two in the brush.

One of the most dismaying sights one can see is hair on the bathroom floor, in the comb or hair on the pillow, as to most of us hair is associated with good looks, strength and beauty. To some it also has emotional implications with people losing hair, having lowered self-confidence and self esteem, with some even going into major depression.

Hair is actually a mirror of health; Hair fall is often the first sign of ill health. All hair problems are not hereditary. Many medical conditions like hypothyroidism, anaemia, hormonal imbalances, systemic lupus erythematosus, lichen planus etc. are often detected by also looking at the hair loss pattern.

Darshana Shah, a 34- year old, suddenly started noticing increased hair loss for six months. She had tried various home remedies for the problem without much help and her numerous visits to the beauty parlours too were wasted.

When she visited Dr Batra’s clinic she was overly concerned with her hair problem, as the thinning was now becoming visible. As a person who led an active social life, she was naturally worried that it would hamper her social life.

Worse for her, her friends had started noticing the thinning, and people had started to talk about it. After looking into the symptoms it was found that her hair was coarse and dry, he was beginning to put on weight for the last three months and her periods were also getting irregular.

Studying these symptoms, the experts recommended a thyroid test for her and sure enough she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. This was just one of the cases where someone who had a hair problem that was actually diagnosed and treated for a more serious ailment.

The most important thing when treating hair fall is to identify the underlying cause. Home remedies, as seen in Darshana’s case, do not help much, as the root cause of problem is often ignored. Even nutritional supplements do not help correct hair problems, as one needs a more holistic approach to hair loss.

Homeopathic medicines when combined with the latest diagnostic tools in trichology, like Trichoscan can work wonders for a patient. Over a period of time the quantity of hair loss begins to reduce before coming to normal. Homeopathy offers a safe and effective solution for hair problems.

For health queries write in to [email protected] or consult specialists at Dr Batra’s Positive Health Clinics at 22816516, 32962231 or SMS DB to 8888.

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